image CPM Remote

Olympics CPM Olympics

A motion planning competition for connected and automated vehicles

Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to enable safer and more efficient traffic, making it an important and current research topic. Our CPM Remote increases the accessibility to testbeds for CAVs. We host the CPM Olympics to provide a basis to benchmark motion planning algorithms (planners). Along the way, users also learn how to use CPM Remote and what it is capable of. It is built upon real-world datasets as they provide realistic and relatable scenarios. We designed the CPM Olympics such that everyone can participate without extended knowledge in CAVs.

The Competition

We structured the competition in two stages. The first stage is already accessible on CPM Remote and serves developing a planner based on provided training scenarios. In the second stage, new training scenarios will be published to adjust your planner and submit it for benchmarking.


Sponsored by INFORM


Important Dates


PS: All times are in Central European Time.


Begin the competition by embarking on stage 1, where you can attempt to solve the training scenarios and prepare for stage 2. During this stage, you have the option to submit your planner, but the benchmarking results will only be revealed once stage 2 commences. While you can join the competition at any time until 5 minutes before the end of stage 2, we strongly advise registering now to allow ample time for training your planner and receiving timely updates on competition-related information.

There is no on-campus appearance necessary at any stage of the competition. You can conveniently submit your planner through our CPM Remote, which will provide you with the evaluation results. The winners will have the opportunity to present their planners in person at our workshop (more details will be announced here). Alternatively, if they cannot travel to the workshop, we will show their recorded presentations.



A. Mokhtarian and B. Alrifaee, "CPM Remote: A Remote Access to the CPM Lab," in International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2022, vol. 1, pp. 1124-1129. doi: 10.1109/CoDIT55151.2022.9804088. [full-text available]
A. Mokhtarian, S. Schäfer, and B. Alrifaee, "CPM Olympics: Development of Scenarios for Benchmarking in Networked and Autonomous Driving ," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2022, pp. 9-15. doi: 10.1109/IV51971.2022.9827299. [full-text available]

Prize Sponsor for the 2nd Olympics